Thursday, September 23, 2010

Report on Arjun sir's class on the topic- Business Models and Financing of a Project

Hello everyone, this is a report on arjun sir's class on the topic business models n financing of a project held on 23rd sept 2010.
To start with, he told us about the importance of "Recollection", which was actually not a part of the topic but it was jst to tell us that if we recollect what was taught in the last class then it becomes quite simple for us to understand the new topic.

Regarding the topic he told us about the making and functioning of various business models and procedures involved in such models. He explained these topics by giving various examples like the Google business model and also the Common Wealth Games business model.

Under the financing procedure Arjun sir told us about the main contractors and the sub-contractors by taking examples of the financing procedure of the CWG business model.

Thank you

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