Monday, September 30, 2013

Narendra Modi slams Delhi Government- Says CWG 2010 was a big business opportunity wasted

Among all the heist and the hustle Narendra Modi had created while addressing the biggest ever political gathering in the capital city New Delhi, the BJP PM candidate had put forth his thoughts over the Delhi CommonWealth Games 2010.

According to Modi, the million dollar multi nation sports tournament was a big business opportunity wasted due to the inefficiency and the corrupt leadership in the administration.

Citing Korea's example, Modi explained how having hosted the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul had opened all the business avenues for South Korea from across the world which led to a major economic boom in the Korean economy.

Modi also mentioned that being superior in the world is not only about being the military power or economic power anymore but a nation should also look forward to become a sports power. Quoting China's extremely successful sporting prowess, the Gujarat CM has touched upon many lackings and bottlenecks which continue to plague the Indian sports and economy alike.

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