Thursday, September 12, 2019


May be majority of us believes that the decision taken by NDA government is good and necessary but I would like to ask a question to them, what about the Kashmiris? without taking consent of anybody from Kashmir, how can a democratic government took such step? not just the consent but communication shutdown and application of section 144 also cruel ways to implement such decisions. Democracy is of the people, by the people and for the people, really? Is India will be called democratic after that? Election and right to vote is not a democracy but it is an one of many features of democracy. Are we heading towards the becoming of authoritarian state? Is the propaganda of government is above than the human rights? While we are enjoying our freedom of speech and expression by tweeting and all, those Kashmiris are literally dying in their home from last one month and more. Who gave such power to the hands of government? may be today it is they, tomorrow is could be us. Don't know much about the consequences but it is clear that we care much about Kashmir, rather than the Kashmiris.

1 comment:

  1. Right, it's been more than 1 month...but they are still suffering.u have explained it wonderfully 👍
