Monday, September 30, 2013

We Care 2013

“ We Care " – devoted to films on Disability was a hit. The three day program took place at Apeejay Institute, Dwarka to create awareness and to sensitize public  issues concerning disabilities through the medium of films. The program started with a speech of Ashok Ogra, the Director on Disability issues. What is Disability? – A physical or mental conditions that limits a person’s movements, senses, or activities.

The program showed us the different types of short movies on disability on how they suffer but still how they manage to get back, motivate themselves and achieve something good in life. The short movies taught us the story of never cry attitude , how to motivate yourself , keep trying and to do something different.  Normal person needs to change his thinking towards disabled person because there are some of the disabled person who have achieved something big in life, this is what We Care event also added.

                                Movies and documentaries like The Butterfly circus, Kinara, The Time Killer etc were shown.  The best was the “ The Butterfly Circus “ in which Nick Vujicic, the disabled person who was born in 1982, Australia with no arms and legs was a actor. The movie was all about the disabled person who works in Circus, how he motivate himself, perform stunts and achieve something big. What the movie taught us the Never give up attitude, Nick added if you fail, try again and again, keep trying. If you fail 100 times, and you give up do you think you can still get up, no. If you fail and try again and again, it’s not the end, it matters how you gonna finish. Are you gonna finish strong, you will surely get the strength to get back up and achieve what you want. The film won the Doorpost Film Project’s top prize. The film also won the best short film award at The Feel Good Film Festival in 2010. He was truly an inspirational character who is currently an motivational speaker. His first book, Life without Limbs was published in 2010. All the films shown were all about, impossible is nothing. All the disabled person in the films were having a positive attitude towards their life.
As Scott Hamilton rightly said :
                                        The Only Disability in life is a bad attitude.