Thursday, September 11, 2014

 Fédération Internationale de Basket-ball Amateur


The game that was invented in the west in early December 1891 by Dr. James Naismith in Springfield Massachusetts and was given name as 'Basket Ball' commonly known around the world. this game was invented to keep the students physically fit during the long winter breaks. 

By the growing popularity of the game there were many Tournaments, League and to control the game values, its prestige many Association were incorporated and the most commonly know is NBA ( National Basket Ball Association) and so is FIBA.

The association FIBA was founded in Geneva in 1932,June 18 . Its original name was  Fédération Internationale de Basketball Amateur. In 1989 the word 'Amateur' was removed from it but 'FIBA' retained as an abbreviation. Its Founding Members were Eight Nations Argentina, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Romania and Switzerland. Its Motto stand "We are Basket Ball" . FIBA has organized a World Championship, now known as World Cup, for men since 1950 and a World Championship for Women since 1953. Through 2014, both events are now held every four years, alternating with the Olympics. The World Cup will be moved to a new four-year cycle.     

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