Thursday, October 11, 2018



Today's if we see in any country having good record In term of sports and their performance

In major tournament happening world wide is actually the result of not only good feild practice but also the administration behind the country
Who look up to the whole process of players from being an amateur player to mature player

This is the backbone actually because administration is the only body responsible for the  refining and selecting the cream from the milk
Actually the players! Of any particular sports

Administration of a country can actually help country to perform well in some way let's see how !!

At lower levels we see alot of players playing well
In every countrt but very some countries are their who actually have the way to maintain the flow with those player because it require some special teams who pick up those players and train them In a suitable surrounding so that to train them at a professional level and to give them direction so that they can transform from ammeture to professional one.

And if these committees are not doing the job with sincerity and honesty then it becomes very difficult for young blood to emerge as a good player because they will not get a chance at right time this is also because of excess of corruption in in some countries soap that's how administration plays a very important role

How can we improve administration!!
It's not a planned way in which we can improve the administration but this can be done by giving the powers in right hand so that the professionalism which  is needed can be there .
administration should be very short and clear they should give chance to the young blood and more talented player who deserve it that's it nothing very complicated.
But today little politics which is there which causes problems and spoils the flavour of sports as the senior members of Administration don't want to change the atmosphere of their surrounding by giving chance to new players.

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