Thursday, September 19, 2019




 The beauty of nature is being captured while gossiping with friends on a beautiful afternoon at Khalsa college.

Outside the metro station, a child is begging, counting his coins and his happy to see his money. I'm disappointed to see his happiness as it is the failure of system.

 This photo is of the platform of the Vishwavidyalaya metro station, seeing the metro coming, half the fatigue is removed automatically.

 Never seen the metro so empty in the evening, getting a seat in the Delhi metro is an achievement in itself.

The condition of mosque is very bad. Seeing the cow standing outside the mosque at the time of  'Azaan' in the evening, it seemed as if this silent animal is unaware of the dirty politics being done in its name. What a alluring view....

जीवन दायिनी प्रकृति ।

प्रकृति के बगैर एक स्वच्छ व सुन्दर जीवन की कल्पना नहीं कर सकते हैं ।शांतिके लिए प्रकृति के बीच में जाना व प्रकृति से प्रेम आवश्यक है ।

भविष्य की चिंता ।

आगे बढ़ने के लिए अग्रसर व भविष्य में होनेवाली परीक्षाओं पर अपने -अपने विचार समूह में व्यक्त करते विधार्थी ।

सम्मान के अधिकारी ।

कोई काम बड़ा या छोटा नहीं होता, इसलिए सभी सम्मान के समान अधिकारी है , सफाई रखना एक जिम्मेदारी का  काम है ।

जीने की कवायद ।

सभी प्राणी को जीवन चलाने के लिए  काम करना आवश्यक होता है, बढ़ती उम्र में भी कड़ी धूप में भी।यह वृद्ध पिता जीवन चलते रहने के अथक प्रयास में ।

मेहनत का कोई विकल्प नहीं है ।

जिम्मेदारी, ईमानदारी और मेहनत से काम करते रहना,एक सफल मनुष्य होने की निशानी है ।इसलिए मेहनत से ना डरते हुऐ आगे बढ़ो ।

Friday, September 13, 2019


DATE- 13/9/19


Friday's lecture was taken by Mr. Vaibhav gulati sir, on the topic sports economic and marketing. Before going into details sir wanted to know lit bit about us, so the brief introduction session were held in which every student told him their aspiration from this course and why we choose this course.
Coming to the topic, he started with the need of management in sports and how are sports governed. He further explained the Indian model of governance and discussed the stakeholder of sports, such as ; sportsperson, fans, media, persons etc. He also explained the two types of sports marketing, one is marketing of sports and another is marketing through sports. Then he discussed the major sports broadcasting like television, print, internet, mobile and radio by giving their brief intro. Before sum up these all he told us about the sports laws which must be followed during any tournament.
Later the class were left free for discussion under his surveillance. And finally the lecture was over by thanking sir.


Thursday, September 12, 2019


May be majority of us believes that the decision taken by NDA government is good and necessary but I would like to ask a question to them, what about the Kashmiris? without taking consent of anybody from Kashmir, how can a democratic government took such step? not just the consent but communication shutdown and application of section 144 also cruel ways to implement such decisions. Democracy is of the people, by the people and for the people, really? Is India will be called democratic after that? Election and right to vote is not a democracy but it is an one of many features of democracy. Are we heading towards the becoming of authoritarian state? Is the propaganda of government is above than the human rights? While we are enjoying our freedom of speech and expression by tweeting and all, those Kashmiris are literally dying in their home from last one month and more. Who gave such power to the hands of government? may be today it is they, tomorrow is could be us. Don't know much about the consequences but it is clear that we care much about Kashmir, rather than the Kashmiris.


On 5th Aug, 2019, BJP led NDA government revoked the special status of Jammu & Kashmir and bifurcated the state into two union territories. The future will recognize this day as "black day" for Indian constitution as we remember the emergency of 1975. Article 370 and 35A has its own history since independence and the special status provided to the Kashmir by signing the instrument of accession by both the parties, Nehru (represented the India) and Maharaja Hari singh from Kashmir. This article was the only bridge working with both the territories. Somehow, removing this article is necessary from long ago but the way in which government did this is totally unconstitutional.

As article 370 not only contained its own history and demands but it is also necessary to understands its three aspects, such as constitutional, moral and ideological aspects. By constitutional aspect I would like to quote article 1 of the Indian constitution which says the Bharat shall be a union of states, which mean states are the fundamental units in an union or India. Hence, I can say the bifurcation of J&k damaged the federal structure of India. Second is moral aspect, instrument of accession states that the provision is temporary until and unless the plebiscite is held in valley. Which was impossible to be conduct from last 70 years as our PM said but having an abnormal situation dose not give you the right to take power in your hands, this will help you for a while by leaving a long lasting effects. Last and most important aspect is ideological aspect of abrogation of special status in J&K, as we know that in the modern era country is facing the old communal distress. Those people who talk about Hindu rasthra must know the truth that India is not made up of Hindus only. These steps taken by government targeting only Muslim majority states of India. Kashmir is not just about Kashmir, it is somehow related with the context of the UAPA, NRC and communalism.