Thursday, April 25, 2019

The true face of the so-called Egalitarian Politics.

The true face of the so-called Egalitarian                                Politics.

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Just like a menu card of an overhyped restaurant looks like, lush with delicious food items and delicacies, but far from what is being served, the politics of India, or more appropriately the politicians of our country have a lot to say but little to offer. They are like those seasoned birds of the far north which just emerge out of their comfortable natural habitat (the government provided larger than life accommodations) for a brief period of time (pre-election campaigns) to go out in the  wilderness far from their home(their constituencies) to mate(interact with the aam “Janta”) or lay their eggs(instill their false ideologies and promises in the minds of innocent people).The war of words broken between any two political parties during this honeymoon period has grown to an extent where there are no limitations and boundaries as to what is moral and ethical. The acrimonious debates and speeches have an objective to demean the opponent rather than confront with legitimate data.

Recently the politics of India has taken a different form and shape when compared to the earlier ones , where the war was played on ground and screens rather than in personal life of politicians. Earlier, political party leaders though lambasting their rivals with objective criticism , always had a certain degree of respect towards each other . But how this politics has taken a sudden new profile, which is much more unethical and heading towards a politics of polarization is a question into perspective. Adverse results of which are shaping up in a scenario where the political parties are trying to polarize the voters and trying to form a name for their party as a symbol of a particular caste or religion. Today our nation has many examples of such kind of parties that try to divide our country. When these parties come into power they try to do good for their symbolic caste or creed an example of this was the implementation of reservation for minorities.

The media has tons of records where such derogatory comments were served in public. The fundamental problem lies in viewing voting as a purpose of self-interest, but we should be aware that is it ethically and constitutionally a better choice. Our constitution has provided with such a framework that a person without having any educational qualifications could savor the powers(perhaps the standard of language), thus such people try every means to gain votes. Either we talk about giving money in return for votes or playing the religion or caste cards. Politics must be carried out in such a way that it could serve as a platform of learning to youngsters but rather it has grown vile enough that it's better to refrain from it.

Thus a suggestion could be to follow a selective policy instead of elective one.

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