Monday, November 14, 2011

Are Schools and Colleges Right Place for Talent Identification?

When participating in sport of any kind we have all known of at least one situation where our sporting coach or local sporting authority has had the daunting task of selecting a special team of talented individuals to compete in higher or advanced level of competition.The difficult part of selecting the advanced group is deciding which individual is suitable for the team and which individual doesn't.The great question is when and how do we fairly identify who will get into the selected team or training squad.
The biggest problem faced by our coaches and other local sporting bodies are what is the right time to identify talent and what should be the criteria for identifying talent.Answer to the above titled question is yes, because school forms the basis for the establishment of world class athletes.Achieving a high level of performance in sports is greatly depends upon two things,first thing is, the type of training program which an athlete has undergone and the second one is ability of the athletes to meet the demands of competition at international and national level.The process of identifying the most talented athlete is to involve them in an organized training program.Talent identification at the correct time helps coaches and the local sporting bodies to train athletes for that sport in which he or she is best suited and have necessary potential.

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