Monday, November 28, 2011

Blogging Matters!!! : What's In A Media Right? [Part 2]

Day 75.
Yesterday, in part one we talked about sponsorship deals and media rights and the difference betwixt the two. And, like I said yesterday, we'll be going further in our understanding of the concept of media rights. So, without further ado, let's get the things rollin' now, shall we?

  • What is a Right? Yes, I should have asked this question yesterday, but still its not too late to bring up this question now, or is it? So, what exactly do we mean by rights. Well, if you look up at Oxford Dictionary (online btw) it says that right is a moral or legal entitlement to have or do something. In general, rights mean that you can or cannot do something. There ain't no interference of anyone else in it.
  • There are many facets subsumed in Media like print, television, Internet, radio, etc. How is income earned from media? The answer is the very reason that people buy this right and sell it. And, there is a market where this happens. Similarly, Indian Premier League (IPL) is a market.
  • Facet of media, Internet, if anyone can earn from it it is a source. Today, Internet websites offer you to watch live cricket matches. In a plethora of pages, the ones that have a higher view count than others find advertisers investing their money. Over the past few years a new strategy for advertising has emerged, now you can see ads coming during the live match, as pop ups or in a window below or side. So, advertisers are leaving no stone unturned.
  • Now, coming back to the example of BCCI that I gave yesterday, there are sellers also of different types. You buy the rights from the seller, whcih in this case is the BCCI. If a match is going on it belongs to BCCI. Now, if the BCCI sells broadcasting rights, then the ad pop up that you'll see during the match, won't have any control over it by the BCCI. That's how sellers are of various kinds. Even Doordarshan is for a fixed time allowed to show a match, beyond that they have to pay.

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