Sunday, November 20, 2011

Blogging Matters!!! : Devoir of a Sports Manager (PART 1)

Day 70.


The other day I discussed with you fellow bloggers, the fundamentals of Sports Management and eventually came to the conclusion that in this multifarious filed, various areas such as Sports Directors, Professional Teams, Fitness Centres, etc. encompass. Tonight is like taking a step forth in this subject, as we'll be briefly looking at the devoirs of a Sports Manager.
  • But, first let's get the hang of the word Sports Manager. In layman's term we can define Sports Manager as a person who manages sports. Is that it? Is it so simple? The answer is definitely ambiguous. There is a definite need to go deeper in this definition and bring out the real meaning of Sports Manager.
  • The primary responsibility of Sports Manager is to ensure efficient and effective management of resources. Economics tells us that human resources are limited and needs are many. We have to use our labor in such a way, that we get maximum from resources. This is efficient management of resources.
  • Our end objective is social welfare. That is, we want to maximize social welfare. For that we have to maximize Total Utility - a measure of the total welfare of an individual. This is only meaningful on the assumption that utility is cardinal, that is, measurable. (Oxford Dictionary of Economics). Total Utility is assumed to be a function of quantities of goods and services consumed and the quantities of various forms of work done.
  • So, Sports Manager has to allocate resources in such a way, that he gets the most of that while acting in accordance to the best standards of professionalism. The other question which comes up at this moment is what are the resources that we are talking of ? What are the resources of a Sports Manager?, and what kind of skills must he/she possess in order to perform those responsibilities?
I'll be back tomorrow with answers to the above mentioned questions. As these are the very questions which will guide us to interpret and comprehend the real devoirs of a Sports Manager. And, will also help us understand more about the whole concept of Sports Management. Till then goodbye and thanks for reading.

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