Friday, November 4, 2011

Blogging Matters!!! : An Agent's Devoir [Part 1]

Day 61.
As you can see from the image above that a sportsman is standing along with another man who looks like some kind of apprentice to him. In the terra of sports this apprentice is known as an agent, a Sports Agent.
Let's look at some of the quintessential roles that a sports agent plays -

--- Before we move any forth, let's look at the definition of sports agent.-
''The compassing and hammering out a deal for employment and endorsement contracts for a athlete is done by a person known as sports agent.''
 Sports Agent cuts out a deal for athletes, however the term used for them is sport agent and not an athlete agent. This shows that the agent is not only an agent for a particular athlete but for his sport as well, thereby being a cardinal component of the industry of sports.
--- Agent gives players some money and buys players' rights. On the basis of virtues that an athlete possesses, his Brand Value is calculated. Let's take the example of boxer Vijender Singh. Among his qualities apart from boxing well, is that he has good looks, is smart, can speak well, etc. He is a boxer and to fight he needs vest,shorts,shoes,etc. His agent can cut out a deal for him through which he'll have to show Company Logos.
--- The sports agent receives betwixt 4 and 10 % of the athlete's playing contract and about 10 to 20 % of athlete's endorsement contract. Some examples of agents striking a hefty deal for their players include -
a.) Aaron Goodwin - He represents players in NBA (National Basketball Association) and is known for getting LeBron James a deal with Nike of $90 million.
b.) Tatiana Ovechkina - Agent to her own son, Alexander, Ovechkina brokered a 13 year contract worth $124 million.
--- To promote the career of an athlete, his agent aides in marketing that athlete or the products linked with the player. Communications with team owners, managers, coaches, and other individuals are also a part of a sports agent's province, who are lawyers or have a background in contract law, due to the length and complexity of their contracts.

Alright then. This is the end of part one. There are a lot of other devoirs that a sports agent has to carry out, which I shall be writing in part two of this series. I'll also take the example of the scenario of sports agents in India, and a lot more is coming up, so wait until then.
Thanks For Reading.

Thought Of The Day : - ''A bad attitude spoils a good deed just as vinegar spoils honey.''

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