Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Blogging Matters!!! : The Workshop Run-Down [Day 3]

Day 67.
This is the account of the third and the final day of workshop held at the University Of Rajasthan. Two sessions were held on this day i.e. 13th November, 2011. The first session was presided over by a gentleman who spoke about Time Management. So, let's start the run-down now, shall we?
Session I (Key Remarks) :
  • Your teachers, seniors are where they are due to time management. This subject has a great relevance. We all know what time is, but giving a precise definition of time is very hard.
  • Time is a unique resource. Question is not who has how much time, but how he utilizes that time. Shakespeare once wrote in his play, ''I wasted time, and now doth time waste me.''
  • What is time management? It is doing right work at right time in the right manner. It is nothing but application of fundamentals of management in your life.
  • What are your time wasters? We have to know and identify the symptoms of a problem. One way is to prepare a time log of 15 days. You would be surprised to know that you are involved in ''unnecessary'' activities.
  • Someone has rightly said, '' Plan your work and work your plan.'' Decision making is very important in time management. People are miser while spending money and they don't realize that it can be made again, but wasted time cannot be made again.
Mr. Sanjeev Bhanawat (Professor & Head, Public Relations & Communications, R.U.)
Key Remarks -
  • Time is invaluable and important. There is an importance even in a second and there is importance even in a year.
  • If an athlete gets late by even a micro second, then that could cost him a medal in the Olympics.
  • However, total perfection is impossible.
The second session was presided over by a lady who works as a Radio Jockey (RJ) in Rajasthan.
Session II (Key Remarks) :
  • People say RJ is a new term. But, in reality it is an old term. Earlier it was called an announcer. Work is the same, but today its part of 'infotainment'.
  • Requirements for an RJ :
--- You have to be open to yourself. To speak only with style is not a prerequisite. There should be a connection value.
--- As an RJ you have to remain always happy.
--- You should know what's going on in your city. You should know your culture, local events, talents,etc.
--- You should have a lore of movies, songs, etc.

To end the session a talk was given on qualities in a journalist and following are its key remarks :
  • Observation and open-mindedness is important in mass communication and if you want to be a successful journalist.
  • Why do you want to be a journalist? It can be for sustaining your family. Is it for the usefulness of society. You ask yourself the question, how are you useful to the society?
  • A journalist must portray the following qualities;
--- Responsible and Responsive, Common sense, Authentic, Loyalty, Innovative and Sensitive.

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