Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Blogging Matters!!! : Province of Sports Management

Day 72.

This is the last blog with my crusade in trying to deliberate over the subject of sports management. And, tonight I'll be looking at some functions of Sports Management. In the anterior blogs I gave to you, the devoir of sports manager but tonight's blog will revolve around the devoir of the whole management of sports.
 So, without further ado, let's get things rolling now, shall we?

Planning -
---  Yesterday, I talked of the resources of sports manager. Now, the question here that arises is that what are your objectives you want to rack up? You have to plan your resources. So, Planning is the first in line.
Objectives -
--- Once you have a stratagem, you have to commence putting that scheme in a framework. So, you have to set the Objectives.
Leading -
--- You should fraternize physically with a sporting event . You have to associate people and yourself. You can wear an event's gear. So, Leading comes as the third vital function.
Controlling -
--- No compartment of the entire game should go without Controlling, which is the last in this list of functions. People should not be left unanswered. Volunteers were trained for CWG '10 who were ready to help, provide information, not only to Indians but also foreigners.

Alright then, this is the end of my series on understanding management of sports. Hope you readers liked it. Please give your feedback by commenting below. Thanks for reading.

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