Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Blogging Matters!!! : The Chinese Affair (Part 1)

Day 39.
The Chinese Athletes showcased in the image atop are a reflection of their achievements. These achievements haven't been a piece of cake. The entire industry, or I should say Sports Industry of China has to be recognized in order to catch on the prosperity of their athletes.
If you folks can recall, then I wrote a blog on the prologue to the Industry of Sports a few days ago. And, in that blog I briefly acquainted you to the concept of Sports Industry.(Please check, if you haven't).
Tonight we'll be looking at this industry more closely and try to study the building and construction of China's sports and the industry itself. So, let's get the blog rolling -

Brief Description Of China's Sport Industry -
  • Sports Industry is one of the key building areas in China.
  • China's power has been rising step by step. The Industry of Sports has a key role in that.
  • The construction of China's political and economic history is exhibited via their sports.
  • China's sport service industry is growing quickly without much dependency on the Government.
  • Their Government is continuously doing reformation of Sport Industry and also the commercialization of sport.
Sport -
  • Is an economic and political industry. This enterprise nurtures foreign trade as well as business interests.
  • Sport is seen as an intangible asset. This asset is also unobjective in nature.
  • Consumer satisfaction has become arduous in today's world due to this intangible asset.
  • Sport Industry acts as a catalyst in an economy.
  • Individuals draw satisfaction by taking part in sports industry.
This was just a brief insight on the Sports Industry in China's Context. In the second part tomorrow, we'll be going in further details of China's history and look at the evolution of their sporting industry.
Thanks for Reading.
(ref; google images)

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