Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blogging Matters!!! : NSDB 2.0, What's New?

Day 45.
So, the phoenix has risen from the ashes and is primed to take on its prey. Yes, I'm talking about the ''new and refined'' National Sports Development Bill 2011 which has been resurrected to show the country that its cacoethes to regulate have now been neutralized. So, let's examine the version 2.0 of the NSDB 11'.

I'm quite certain that by now y'all must have read or heard about the NSDB 11' being presented again by our Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports, Mr. Ajay Maken after his primary initiative being disdained and eventually rejected.
I've already discoursed about the previous draft which was proffered by the Sports Minister, in my anterior blogs. So, you can check them out if you haven't yet.
And now let's see what the revised bill brings to the table this time -
  • The previous draft was heavily criticized as it was chock-full of Regulations. And, there was hardly any effective clause about the Development of Sports in India. This version is being claimed to have wiped off those things from the bill which were the reason for its rejection.
  • Is that really the case? Really? Really? Firstly, if you can recall, then the previous version fixed the age limit for the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) as well as Federation Chiefs to 70 years. They couldn't hold office beyond that age.
  • Secondly, two terms of 4 years each were affixed for the above mentioned office bearers. Surprise, surprise. These 2 negative points of the previous version are still pretty much intact in the new avatar. I've written in detail about these 2 points previously, so I won't delve much into it.
Let's move on to what's new about this new draft bill ? -
  • When this bill was proffered earlier, there was a stiff battle that ensued betwixt the Ministry and the BCCI over the whereabouts clause of WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency), which called for the athletes to tell about their daily whereabouts to the authorities. However, this issue has supposedly been resolved as the Ministry has allowed the governing authorities to say the final word.
  • The 'new and improved' bill also has given allusions that its regulation urges have been toned down, by making adjustments in its RTI (Right To Information) clause. Previously the authorities were supposed to give details about the doping issues, player and coach selections, etc. But, in it's new avatar this bill has totally exonerated the federations from the RTI clause.
Alrighty then. We'll have to wait and watch how the round 2 of this battle amidst the Ministry of Sports and the Sports Federations takes shape. A few changes have definitely been made by Mr. Maken, keeping in mind the causes for which his previous attempt failed. The burning question now is whether the second time's a charm for the Ministry or not ?
Thanks For Reading.

Thought Of The Day : - ''Truth is timeless, and returning to truth is better than continuing in falsehood.''

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