Monday, October 3, 2011

CWG Beauties - One Year later

"They were supposed to be the year later, the beauty spots have turned into ugly pockmarks pride of India. They were supposed to boost sporting culture in India. All that these used Commonwealth Games venues and properties do now is make Delhi’s landscape ugly.Like festoons at a carnival, they lent beauty to the Capital during the Commonwealth Games that kicked off on October 3 last year. One."

1.This Photo is collectively showing the preview of all the CWG RUINS.

2.Foot Overbridge

Just 12 days before the start of the Games, this pedestrian bridge near the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium collapsed. The Army built a temporary bridge in its place. That bridge has now been dismantled, leaving behind the hulk of the collapsed bridge, a pavement whose expensive tiles have been scooped out by thieves and heaps of concrete debris.

3.Talkatora Stadium

The bucket seats won a thumbs- up from spectators, who otherwise would have sat on concrete and watched the events in discomfort. After the Games, the venue should have been treated as a national treasure and protected accordingly. Far from it. Several of these seats have been carted away by thieves, who take advantage of lack of security.

4.JLN Stadium

It was the showpiece venue and hosted the opening and closing ceremonies. For the Games, the stadium was given a ` 961- crore makeover. So spectacular was the opening ceremony that Indians, hurt by a series of critical reports in the domestic and global media on the shoddy preparations for the event, forgot all the bad press overnight and held their heads high with pride. The centrepiece was a helium aerostat that served as a giant 360 ° screen for spectators. A year on, the lotus looks like a giant garbage bin.

5.Shivaji stadium

The venue, which was to serve as a practice arena for athletes and hockey teams during the Games, could not be completed on time by the New Delhi Municipal Council, true to its style. One year after the event ended, work is still continuing.

6.IGI Stadium

A thousand information boards had sprouted during the Games. Like festoons, these colourful boards had ushered in the carnival mood in the city. Today, the boards -- like this one outside the IGI Stadium -- have been defaced.

7.Side Walks

Motorists taking this road to the stadium were greeted by a smiling ' Shera', the mascot, during the Games. Since the event ended, Shera has been battered a hundred times by vandas.

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