Wednesday, October 12, 2011

ClassRoom Commentry by Kulwinder Singh Kang

The 2nd very informal and practical class by Mr.Kang having 26 years commentry skills exposed it very interestingly in a small classroom of Khalsa College , DU.....
I feel 1st one was Mr. Soumitra Bose's Class.( remember ambush marketing and quiz approach)

His presence in the very initial seconds showed he is definitely a very "entertaining sardar ji".
We along with Mr.Kang revolved around the Radio vs. TV Commentry..
Radio over TV:
1. Radio is very portable.
2. Approach of radio is to the grassroot level. ( From IndiaN Borders to Rural villages)
3. Radio is Pervasive.
5. Comes before TV Commentry.

There are many loopholes if compared to TV Commentry.
1. Lack of Visuals
2. Commercial Aspect loophole: Have to sacrifice commentry if want to advertise and do all other publicity stuff.
and many more...

But they have been minimised through many developed techniques , for instance
1. Tagline will be directly aired through commercial studio not by commentrator.
2. Over-Branding
3.Branding of fours ansd sixes ( yeh hai BSNL Chauka . connecting India)
4. Fall of wickets
5.FM Up-Date
6. Selling spot - boys to main and associate sponsors
7. Inside live and Outside live
8. Jingles

He made Harpreet , varad and vrinda to give a 1 min commentry on our classroom..Surprisingly he too gave us a perfect instance of commentry...In fact his speaking tone was more or less was a like a very experienced commentrator.
For the first we saw and analysed how the rate chart is prepared for different types and time of sponsorships. Everything was explained through examples , demo and real life instances which was the best part of his class.
The class definitely aroused the hope of becoming an commentrator in the minds of many....
WE have started liking the profession of commentrator nowwwww and we now know about Essentials of a Commentrator too.
3. Knowledge
Readers do commenting and posting and hope Mr.Kang give us a good scope in the short span of our Sports Economics Add-On.....


  1. Brother, I posolutely can identify with the blog of yours. It was indeed a considerable learning experience.
    But, I'd like you to be more careful with your words while describing someone and not using words like "entertaining sardar ji" which you have used in this blog. As I reckon it's quite asinine and uncomplimentary to introduce someone with his religion, in the manner you have.

  2. rightly said prabodh...Mr Kulwinder being a veteran in commentatorship is so down to earth..being in his class is both entertaining and knowledgable..
