Friday, October 7, 2011

Blogging Matters!!! : 'My 5ive' - 5 Prefatory Steps To Sports Journalism

Day 34.
The other day, I introduced you to the concept of Sports Broadcasting and tonight in another edition of 'My 5ive' I'll acquaint you to a similar yet different concept of Sports Journalism. I'll very fleetingly put before you 5 points to comprehend this concept. So, let the blog begin -

1.) Sport -

  • Any kind of physical commotion which aspires to utilize, perk up or preserve the physical condition, via amateur or professional partaking, is what Sport is all about. Also, they aspire to provide entertainment to the participants.
  •  Sports are generally played for amusement or that people require exercise to stay in good physical condition. Professional sports are a major source of entertainment.

2.) Journalism -

  • Journalism is the activity or profession of writing for newspapers or magazines or of broadcasting news on radio or television. (Oxford Dictionary).
  • Ingenuously speaking,  the gathering and editing of news for demonstration through the media is known as journalism. 
  • It is also an academic study in itself which is concerned with the collection or management of a news medium. It is a writing structured to influence prevalent interest or liking.

3.) Sports Journalism -

  • Sports Journalism is a form of journalism that reports on sports topics and events. The very best, stimulating and shrewd journalism is displayed via sports journalism.
  • The task of Sports Journalism is focused on online and print media and also the satellite t.v. and radio transmission.
  • Sports Journalism is a cardinal component of a news company. As there is a pecking order and mores of conducts, imparting values to people and product, sports journalism is therefore akin to corporate employed work.

4.) The Criticism  -

  • Sports Journalism is often criticized as it functions on the basis of being slanted towards entertainment and self-opinionated news bulletins.
  • Also, the globally accepted journalistic norms like impartiality, acumen and poise, seem to be absent to these critics. It is also mauled as it delivers commentary which is partial instead of following the neutral path.
  • The sport journalists mustn't clone as sensationalist reportage but rather lay emphasis to germane topics which shape up a team's working.

5.) Sports Journalism and India -

  • Today, sports coverage generally account for about 20% of matter (no pun intended), in most of the foremost Indian newspapers. And, since we know that India is a cricket frenzy country, sports journalists are a vital requisite here. 
  • Today, a need for good sport journalists has emerged for newspapers, television news channels, radio, etc and this rise is a result of the growing sport culture in India like Commonwealth Games, Formula 1 Race, Indian Premier League,etc. This revolution of journalism in India is having its impact on global journalism.

In my blog on Sports Broadcasting, I wrote briefly about the inception of radio and television as a means of transformation of sports broadcasting in India, so you can check that point and match it with my last point.
To conclude I would say that, discordant beliefs and maven stances are exhibited by sports journalism in today's world. To answer its critics, sports journalists need to pay attention on the rudiments allied with the foundation, the institution of sport.
Thanks For Reading.

Thought Of The Day : - ''Hold to forgiveness and command what is right''.
(ref; google images, wikipedia)

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