Monday, October 3, 2011

Blogging Matters!!! : Know Thy Bill! (NSDB 11' - Merits)

Day 30.
If anyone of you can recall, then I talked very briefly about the National Sports Development Bill in my blog (Sports - The Regulation Cacoethes (Day18)). There I even hinted at bringing the positives and the negatives, up for discussion. Well, the time is now and the blog is here, so let's kick-things off.
I'll be pointing out the merits of this bill tonight, and demerits in tomorrow's blog.
Before I move to the merits, let's just quickly refresh our memories by understanding, what NSDB 11' really is ?

  • Mr. Ajay Maken, from the Sports Ministry in the Central Government brought in this 'controversial' bill.
  • The bill looked to control and regulate every Sport Association in India.
  • This bill seeked to imbibe the process of better governance followed throughout the globe, in the Indian scenario.
  • There are 12 chapters in this bill which talk about the sports sectors, role of Government, doping,etc. However, I won't delve into them tonight, but yes, in future I would.
Although there aren't many positives in it but let's try and see if there are some Merits which this bill holds - 
  1. TransparencyProbably the biggest merit in the NSDB, is that, it wants to bring greater transparency in every sport body in India. There is a legion of decisions which our officials take, that are concealed. If an athlete or a player is selected for a particular tournament, despite his/her middling performances in the practice matches, questions are often raised against such preferential treatment.
  2. National Sports Development Council - Another important aspect of the NSDB is, the formation of an organization which will be known as the 'National Sports Development Council (NSDC).' The sole purpose of this body would be to develop sports in India. The NSDC will have members from different sport bodies like - Sports Authority of India (SAI), National Anti-Doping Authority (NADA), etc.
  3. National Games - There are a number of loopholes and peccadilloes when it comes to hosting the National Games, which are extremely vital in shaping the future of our sports. The NSDB looks to make sure that these games are held once in every 2 years, bringing an end to the existing irregularities.
  4. Tackling the Frauds - There are some chapters in this bill, whose clauses deal with age fraud among athletes. Even doping, which I believe is the 'world's worst kept secret', is to be dealt with via this bill. Also, the cases of sexual harassment which come up from time to time are a part of these clauses.
 Alright readerland, those were some of the merits of the NSDB'11 which I could think of. Now, its your turn to tell me, what you believe are some other positives in it?
Thanks For Reading.

Thought Of The Day : - ''Action is the biggest measurement of knowledge.''
ref; google images

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