Saturday, October 8, 2011

Blogging Matters!!! : The Quintessential Rapport - Corporates and Sports

Day 35.
As you all can see that, the image above has a pun, a quip hidden in it. This blog tonight is the manifestation of that quip. Yes, I am talking of the quite perplexing yet fundamental relationship betwixt the Corporate World and Sports. What I'll do, is try and cotton on this relationship and clarify it for us.

Corporate -
  • First, let's understand the meaning of the word 'corporate'. Of or relating to a large company or group. (Oxford Dictionary).
  • It comes from the Latin word, 'Corpus' which means 'body'. Hence, it's a body of people or a business organization.
Sport - 
  • Is any physical commotion, physical activity which involves competition. This needs skills and there are certain rules which govern them made by institutions.
  • Sports are chiefly played for amusement or that people want to stay in good physical state.
The Rapport - 
Now, we'll try and see the kind of relationship which exists between these two worlds and how is this rapport ameliorating the things for us.
  • Today, sport has become a political and economic establishment. The impact of such enterprise can be seen through influence which it has had on social trends. On the other hand you have corporates who also have helped the enterprise of sports in the promotion of overseas trade to encpuraging national honor.
  • If you take the example of Olympic Games, you'll see that apart from having the values of entertainment and global care, they are all about the 'business'.
  • Today, sport is seen as a product. This product is subtle and skewed and makes it arduous when it comes to make sure the contentment of the consumers.
What Do We Need? - 
This is the quintessential part of my blog. What exactly do we need? What kind of rapport would be appealing to us? Let's see if we can get some answers.

  • At present in India, Cricket is without the shadow of a doubt the only game which has been taken up to all intents and purposes by the Corporate houses. There are other corporate houses who want to adopt games like hockey, soccer, tennis,etc, but they don't get one-hundred percent support from the Government. Our authorities like SAI (Sports Authority of India) must splice with corporate houses and work in partnership.
  • The next important piece in this puzzle are the Sponsors. Sports having sponsors definitely draw attention of corporate houses. We have often seen in the past that corporates conjoin with arts and social issues when sport sponsorships which are minor are discontinued, as they don't cross branding and turnover goals set by these houses.
  • The Government should be there to give guidelines. It should give some money to the corporate world to spend on sports. Corporates too should allocate some budget for sports. If a soft drink company is spending a million rupees, then it should at least spend 30% on sports.
There has been some progress due to the events like CWG, IPL and even the upcoming F1 race. Even the fact that CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) is now bringing in sports people to talk shows that sports have started reaching a higher level than before. Let it be cricket or any other sport, if the budget of a country ain't big enough , you can't expect players bringing gold medals. The corporates who are backing cricket, should give atleast 20-30% to other sports. Players in sports like basketball, kabaddi or archery are generally from a meager background, and these corporate houses can step in here, adopt these sports and make a difference.
Thanks For Reading.

Thought Of The Day : - ''Acquire knowledge and teach it to the people''.
ref; google images

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