Sunday, October 2, 2011

Blogging Matters!!! : 'My 5ive' - Marketing the 'Myth' (Part 2)

Day 29.
Welcome to part 2 of 'My 5ive'. I'll start from where I left yesterday, i.e. the peculiar yet interesting marketing strategies in today's times. I have with me a list of 5 more brands (big and small), who share their names with Mythology. So, let's start with our list -

1.) Apollo - Yesterday I talked about the Greek God Apollo but, I discussed only one-side of him., i.e. him, being a God of poetry, and art. But, Apollo, in the Greek and Roman Mythology, is also considered to be the God of Masculine Beauty. Today, a club, 'Apollo Athletic Club', exists in Canada which promotes an active and healthy lifestyle.

2.) Odyssey - Attributed to Homer, Odyssey is one of the two-epic poems from ancient Greece. They also talk about the ten-year sea-voyage of Odysseus, a Trojan War hero. Today, there is an Odyssey Golf Club in Illinois, U.S., the logo of which is shown above. Moreover, there is a popular travel agency known as Odyssey Travel.

3.) Pandora - According to the Greek Mythology, Pandora, meaning ''all-gifted'', was the first woman and each God helped to create her. I can't say much about the myth, but the fact is that today Pandora Game Consoles are very widely recognized.  There is another company, Pandora Jewellery, which is well-known.

4.) Phoenix - A phoenix is a mythical bird found in the Mythologies of the Greeks, Romans, Persians, etc, which burns on a funeral pyre after living for hundreds of years and gets reborn from those ashes. On the other hand, we have a professional basketball team, names Phoenix Suns, who are a member of NBA (National Basketball Association). Even the logo of this team has a burning bird on basketball.

5.) Eos - Eos is found in Greek literature. She is the Titan Goddess. She has also been called as the Goddess of the Dawn. Today, Eos's name is shared by a Golf-equipment company in Canada. Again strange connection here, but this is how marketing works.

Alright folks, this is the end of part 2 of this weekend's 'My 5ive'. Hope you all enjoyed them and understood how marketing is being done today. I mentioned the same points yesterday about the relevance of such study. So, please check out Part 1 of this blog.
Thanks for Reading.

Thought Of The Day : - ''If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;...............Be honest and frank anyway.''
ref; google images,, wiki

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