Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Blogging Matters!!! : 'My 5ive' - 5 Prefatory Steps Towards Sports Broadcasting

Day 32.
Hello Readerland and welcome to another special edition of BM's!!! 'My 5ive'. Tonight I'll just try and introduce you to 5 things that you need (or don't need for some) to know about sports and broadcasting.
So, without any delays let's straight away move on to tonight's My 5ive -

1.) What is Sport ? -
To understand tonight's topic, it's also important to know the meaning of the words, in which we'll delve into.
Sport - is an activity that you do for pleasure, usually done in a specific area and according to fixed rules. (Oxford Dictionary). Sports are most often played just for fun or that people need exercise to remain in good physical condition.
2.) What is Broadcasting ? -
Broadcasting - to make any information public, by means of radio or television. (Webster's Dictionary).
Simply speaking, the electronic diffusion of sounds, images or videos, is what broadcasting is all about, with radio and television being the primary medium of this transmission. The core concern of broadcasting is to distribute a particular bulletin to a target audience, and then it is in the hands of this audience to do what they want with this message.
3.) What is Sports Broadcasting ? -
Ever since its inception via a Baseball game in 1921, Sports Broadcasts purvey the audience of a sport with the next best experience to sitting and watching a sport at a stadium. Basically, the reportage of any sport on any transmission/broadcasting technique, be it satellite t.v., radio transmission, internet,etc, is what Sports Broadcasting is.
4.) Sports Broadcasting and 21st century -
Technology since the inception of 21st century has transfigured the reportage of sports. The commerce of televised sports has burgeoned due to the evolution of satellite/cable tv. Also the increasing recognition and marketability of games has contributed to this revolution. Earlier Radio was the most prominent means of Sports Broadcasting, but today television with the help of technology, has taken it to novel pinnacles. Today sports like soccer and cricket permit its viewers to even control the camera angle by just a click of a button.
5.) Sports Broadcasting and India - 
In India, sports broadcasting via Radio began after 1940. For about 40 years, the development of sports like Hockey and Cricket hinged on the Radio commentators who served as icons for their listeners. The voice of a specific team was heard over and over again by the fans. From 1980 onwards, television took the ball from radio and ran with it and impacted in shaping the sports with the aid from technology, which I mentioned in the previous point. The Sports Broadcasting Act siphoned the broadcast of sports from public to private sports broadcasting industry.

There are many points which can be said about sports broadcasting in India, but I'll do it some time later. The main purpose tonight, was to introduce you briefly to the concept of Sports Broadcasting. Much more than its entertainment and recreational values, today sport has developed as an activity. Sport has emerged as an extremely essential branch of commerce.
Thanks For Reading.

Thought Of The Day :- ''Courtesy costs nothing, but buys everything.''
(ref; google images, wikipedia)

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