Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Blogging Matters!!! : Tangible Blog Of The Intangible Sports

Day 38.

Tonight's topic for my blog is absolutely precarious and therefore, I might make some bloopers for which I beg your pardon in advance. Tonight, I'll be taking up the subject of Intangibility and Are Sports An Intangible Asset? So, let's get the ball rolling now, shall we? -

Before we move any forth, let's get the hang of the words ; tangible and intangible assets.
  • Tangible - 'a thing that is perceptible by touch.' (Oxford Dictionary).
  • Currencies, buildings, vehicles, equipments,etc are tangible assets as they have a physical form and they can be seen and touched by a person.
  • Intangible - 'unable to be touched, not having physical presence'. (Oxford Dictionary).
  • Intangible assets do not constitute or are represented by a physical object and are of a value not precisely measurable.
  • Things like Information and Company logos of a company are an example of intangible assets, as they don't have a physical presence.
Both type of assets are a crucial part of a company an its workers need to be able to identify both the types. Now, let's try and understand Sports as a product, as an asset.
  • Today, sport has mutated into an economic industry and as a result, it is developing business interests and even foreign trade.
  • Today, sport has also become a product. This product is abstract in nature. It is also unobjective. This has made it a no picnic for the consumers, who remain unsatisfied.
  • You can only understand industry, when you understand sport as an intangible asset.
  • You have the example of IPL or CLT20, through which you can understand the sport product as intangible. There are individual franchise agreements like Dhoni with Chennai Team, Sehwag with the Delhi team, etc,etc or you have contracts of players with suppliers. They all are intangible assets but on an individual level.
  • When an IPL team is purchased there are both tangible and intangible assets which come along with that team. For example - corporate offices, stadiums (if possessed), etc. These are the tangible assets. Intangible assets that come along with a team are - National Broadcasting Deals, Sponsorship Deals, player contracts, etc.
This topic can be discussed in great detail and I can write for hours together. But, my intendment tonight was to briefly acquaint you all to the intangibility of the sport.
Your turn Readerland. Write what you think are other examples to prove the intangibility of sports. You can even point out my glitches, if there are any due to the precarious nature of this blog.
Thanks for Reading.

Thought Of The Day - ''Keep yourselves far from envy, because it eats up and takes away good actions, like a fire eats up and burns wood.''
(ref; google images)

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