Monday, October 17, 2011

Blogging Matters!!! : Yes We Can !

Day 44.
In my anterior blogs I discussed about the Industry of Sports. I even cited the example of China to demonstrate the building and construction of this industry.
Tonight, we'll be looking at another quintessential ingredient in the amelioration of the industry of sports and that is the Participation factor, more specifically Individual Participation.
So, let's get the blog rolling now, shall we? -

Any individual household or firm that's engrossed in an activity which falls in of the 3 main components of Sports Industry is acknowledged to be an aide in the sports industry.
Those 3 components being -
  1. Avocations that include participation in sport by an individual.
  2. Avocations that involve visitors at spectator events of sports.
  3. Avocations that revolve around following of spectator sporting events via any form of media.
You and I have a lot to do in the construction of the industry of sports. Every way in which we participate has an effect on the economy.
There are 3 ways through which we participate -
  1. By taking part in some kind of sport like ; soccer, cricket, etc.
  2. Taking part by attending any kind of sporting event like a football match, boxing match,etc.
  3. We also participate by watching or hearing out a spectator sporting event on T.V. channels, Radio broadcastings or even Internet streaming.
Every way in which an individual participates whips up the economic activity, whether direct or indirect. However, all the three categories of participation take time.
Individuals also chip in to the augmentation of sports industry by the purchasing of tickets for a match. Also the travelling cost to watch that match and the buying of mementos, food items, etc, all have their impact on economic activity which helps in shaping up the industry.
Alright then. That was for you in brief, the ways in which we engage in the building of the industry of sports. Hope y'all like it. Reply back, post your comments and thanks for reading.

Thought Of The Day : - '' The essence of knowledge is to know what obedience is.''

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