Saturday, September 10, 2011

8th Sept. IGF-Part 3(Prabodh)

Hello my readers , this is part3 of my report comprising

Session 4 "Golf Tourism and Corporate Golf"
Mr. Rishi Narayan was the moderator.
He feels that golf and tourism are very deeply connected. Both promote each other.
Golfers are meant to spend millions of dollars to play at exotic places in serene peace anddivine beauty.When tourists go on holidys , they always associate places to golf like this is the place where US PGA or European Tour was played , this is where tiger woods practised etc. They long for visiting such places and ultimately increases the tourism revenue.
He introduced us to the term Corporate Golf as a tool to pool customers and clients and to create their brand name and status profile.Delhi has a hot corporate golf culture and business uses it to network with its clients.But its very very expensive.

The First panellist was Htwe Hla Han. She spoke about Asian tour and its international standards facilities boosting tourism. But according to her India poses a challenge of very expensive hotels. India by holding 4 International events is capitalising international exposures which is a positive indicator regarding tourism and golf.

Now was the chance of Mr. H.S. Kingra. "Golf is not a destination for tourism. It is complement and supplement to tourism in India. People will not pay 100 thousand dollars to come to India and play golf. Rather they will go to South East Asia and play on beaches @ much cheaper rates.We cannot copy China's tourism with golf or Cambodian pattern , we need to formulate our own golf tourism policy. India have its own cultural heritage - taj mahal , kashmir , thar desert , konark temple and many other exotic beauties with great flora and fauna. People who will visit these places will surely be attracted to play golf on a 35 acre land in the areas nearby.

Mr.Digraj Singh was the next panellist.In his view to develop golf as a tourism , we must initiate with baby steps . He wanted to say that we must focus on domestic tourism first. When any game is not in colleges and universities it cannot be famed at a broader base. So we must try to take golf to these grassroot level to generate revenue from domestic tourism.
On corporate golf , he was trying to make a way to leverage it to promote golf in India. If not able , then corporate golf has no sense except wasting thousands of dollars.Before 10 years , 1-day corporate golf event costed 5-7 lacs but now it is minimum 40 lacs.So , low cost opportunity model needs to be developed otgerwise corporate golf is extremely prohibitive.

The next panellist who spoke was Mr. Anurag Bhatnagar. He gave us a very nice example of "one man vision" in china who turned the dream come true by establishing world's biggest golfing facility with 11 sprawling golf courses in the vicinity of peace. There must be golfing tourism like medical tourism. He stressed that there must be a cluster of courses and driving ranges at one place becuse people in kashmir will not move to ooty to play another round of game. He too talked about broadbasing the game as Mr. Digraj did.
And on Corporate Golf he was in favour."Golf tells us much about character. Play a round of golf with someone(client) , you will know him closer and more intimately than years of dinner parties.
In this way this session came to an end.
The most astonishing fact to me was that" Malaysia and Thailand have only 300 and 400 thousand specific golf tourists paying a minimum of $1000 per pax for the package generates annual revenue in billions and billions.
Now comes the last session "Getting India Into Olympics".
Mr. V. Krishnaswamy was the moderator. Golf is going to be a part of Olympics from 2016.

The IGF (International Golf Federation), in 2009 estimated 16 million Golfers.India has hardly 200,000 -300,000 golfers.There is still lack of clarity, as to who will play for India in the Olympics. If you want a Olympic Champion , you must start thinking before 15 years.

The next panellist was Mr. Romit bose. In his view India cannot achieve success in golf before 2024 Olympics.

"India has some huge players and 17 best players like - Himmat Rai.Our plan should be to look beyond Olympics. So, India should have that kind of depth.There has to be partnership arrangement. Indian players need to go out and play European even or US event.Every action you do in Golf, is related to Skill.We need a minimum of 40 events on junior level and 40 vents on the senior level so that there is lot of practise and efficiency."

Other panellists were Mr. Padamjit Sandhu and Mr. Karan Bindra.

Mr.Karan Bindra claimed that we are not able to take our golfers to a next higher level which is a pre-requisite for medals in Olympics. Development of golfers as athletes is necessary.

Mr. Padamjit sandhu also explained india's roadmap to the future in golf. And also hoped for indian golfers to bring laurels into the nation.

" One day can change your life , One Night in Rio can change the sport in India."

Tennis took birth in India only after 1996 Olympics . After date till now , we can clearly see the tennis industry . Hope 2016 Olympics will bring ladyluck for Indian Golf.

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