Friday, September 23, 2011

Blogging Matters!!! : The Globalization of Sports - A Prelude

Day 20.
We have amongst us a peculiar, yet quintessential subject to deliberate over. I am talking anent the subject of Globalization and Sports. First let's try and understand the purport of the locution - Globalization.
Globalization - Globalization is a procedure of integration and interaction among the public, corporates, and government of varying nations, a system driven by international business and investment and assisted by Information Technology.
To put it austerely, Globalization is the headway of the collaboration and cooperation of humans across national frontiers. Globalization means that corporations, who are globally spry, can engage in a pivotal capacity in carving society and economy as a whole. Why? Because, they have it in their clout to recoil the material resources like taxes, money, jobs, etc from society.
Several occurrences took place which have led to the concept of Sport Globalization.
  • The first point to remember is that 'modern sport' developed first in Britain.
  • A process emerged which saw the player, viewer as the consumers of 'thin on the ground' resources, and in some standpoints, the exterminators of the resources.
  • The last quarter of the 19th century, spotted the surfacing of sport, the development of matches among national teams, the manifestation of International Sport Bodies,  the appearance of worldwide contests like Olympics,etc.
  • The 20th century witnessed the West regulating the area of play, sports bodies and the surplus value linked with sporting events.
  • Then, sports like baseball, basketball, ice-hockey,etc. stretched to those places, who were much more centrally associated to the American orb of mastery.
  • The TV broadcasting of athletic events, during the late 20th century, has switched sport into huge business. Broadcasting rights, sponsorship, merchandising, etc play a vital job in a nation's policy.
I'll stop here for today. There are numerous points and references which I can give about the Globalisation of sports and the impact on politics, economics, etc. But, tonight's blog was to introduce you all to this topic.
And, I'll write in more details in upcoming editions of BM.
Thanks for Reading.

Thought Of The Day : - "The best among you are those who have the best manners and character."
(ref; google images)

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