Saturday, September 24, 2011

Blogging Matters!!! : Hunting The Entertainment Value

Day 21.
Now, fellas what you have above, is indeed a side-splitting picture. But the topic for deliberation tonight is a weighty one. Yes, as my title for tonight suggests, I am talking about the Sport of Hunting and the Entertainment Value affiliated with it.
As soon as human beings learned to put into operation, the unadorned weapons, they started 'hunting.'
Before I advance, let's have a glance, as to what Oxford Dictionary has to say about Hunting.
Hunting : Pursuing and killing (a wild animal) for sport or food. (Oxford Dictionary).
Now lets understand how hunting consorts with entertainment and sport -
  • The first point to retain is that sports possessing "Entertainment Value" have a settled sway in the swelling commercial terra of sport and recreation.
  • The crucial word in Entertainment is, 'enjoy'.
  • Entertainment Value lends a hand in enrapturing the audience's heed.
  • Hunting, today has become a polemical affair, as it is gazed upon as a recreation or a recreational endeavour, the people's disposition for animals is mutating.
  • Organizations like PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) have come to the surface for animal rights.Well, I won't dwell much into that, as I have to be upheld with the title.
Hunting and Sport -
  • Like I mentioned above that, humans have been hunting for food and they have been doing so since, maybe the prehistoric times. But, within the past few centuries, 'hunting for sport' has ripen into being a more run-of-the-mill thing.
  • Sportsmen were often affluent and formidable persons, when hunting as a sport came into being.
  • Why hunting? Well, many people consider it, as a poignant and pathetic act to do, but hunters enjoy hunting. The reason is what my title denotes, i.e. 'Entertainment Value'.
  • Killing a tiger is exciting as it gives a hunter experience, which he cannot get, watching a wildlife channel. But, going out and watching it for yourself is what makes their heart pump faster. Coming very near to a tiger will give them the Entertainment Value, they're looking for.
  • Another vital point is that the mayhem rate in hunting, is trimmed than that of other forms of Entertainment like; Soccer, Rugby,etc.
Alright fellas, I bring to a halt, tonight's blog. Everything said above is from the perspective of hunters and hunting as a sport and I don't want my impressions be known as there are people who can speak of the merits as well as demerits, which will in turn veer us from the main topic of Entertainment Value.
So, read it, analyse it and do post your comments below. Thanks for Reading.

Thought Of The Day :- ''Modesty and faith are both companions, when one is taken away the other is taken!.'' 
(ref; google images)


  1. Thankyou Vipul,atleast you liked the picture, leave aside the blog. I am improvising each day and experimenting with my blogs which often result in such outcomes.
