Thursday, September 8, 2011

Blogging Matters : Golf Vs. Corporate Golf

Day 5.   
While I am writing this blog, I can see news flash on my tv screen about a Russian Jet crash which was carrying a top Ice Hockey team. It is being reported as "one of the worst crashes ever involving a sports team". So, a great loss not only to the families of these players but a great loss to the sport and fans of Ice Hockey in Russia and around the world. Few other incidents are there involving such crashes in the past resulting in great loss to the world of sports, but that's another topic for another day.

All right my peeps, today was a vey drudging as well as exciting day for us who went to the India Golf Forum 2011. The question still swirling around my mind is what exactly are the idiosyncrasies between Golf & Corporate Golf ? or what differentiates the two? To get wind of these two, it's vital to get the meaning of these two terms.
  1. Golf - According to the Oxford Dictionary, Golf is a game played on a large open-air course, in which a small hard ball is struck with a club into a series of small holes in the field, the aim being to use the fewest possible strokes to complete the course.
Now we'll try and understand what Corporate Golf is all about.
    2. Corporate Golf - To put it in a simple manner, I have understood Corporate Golf as one of the best methods to amplify new business relations or further ameliorate one's relationship with current business partners.
Simply putiing, Golf is when you go out alone or with friends and amuse yourself  in your leisure time. The Entertainment factor is there. However, Corporate Golf is a medium. These days business is also done on golf course.Experts say that Corporate Golf increases business.
Delhi , for example has very good Corporate Golf culture. A lot of companies use Golf to Entertain or get customers or build their brand. Even in today's forum, Mr. Rishi Narain mentioned that there are about 200 to 300 Corporate Golf events taking place annually in Europe.
Corporate role has played a very pivotal role over the last decade or so, but at the same time it has become more and more expensive. Eventually, the key lies in our hands, tha can we leverage Corporate Golf to further spread the sport of Golf. If we can do so, then it is a merit , if not then a demerit.

So, its time now for me to wrap things up here. As  I said earlier,  today was a very long day , my hands are giving up on me. But, in the coming editions of Blogging Matters, I'll try my best to further explore other topics about golf, which are also swirling around my head. But next time.

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