Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Blogging Matters!!! : 'Insight' the 'Olympics' [Part 1]

Day 25.
This right here, ladies and gents, is the 25th back-to-back blog of Blogging Matters!!! and I am buoyed up to take this series to another 25.

Well, tonight begins a 3 part series about the Olympics. I'll strive to help you soak up the history, politics, commerce and the sports itself, all knit together with the Olympics. However  the epicentre of all this would be the Entertainment Value. I'll break the ice of tonight's part with Ancient Olympics -

The History -
  • The origin of Ancient Games is shrouded in mystery and legend.
  • Ancient Olympic Games were, "ancient Greek festival with athletic,literary,and musical competitions.''(Oxford Dictionary).
  • Myths show that Heracles and his father Zeus, were the originators of the Games.
  • The games were done away with by the Roman Emperor, Theodosius I in 393 AD.
The Politics -
  • A series of competitions were held betwixt the assignees or representatives of several city-states and kingdoms from Ancient Greece.
  • During these games, all struggles against the partcipating city-states were pigeonholed until the games culminated.
  • Olympia was a place where political ententes were harbingered.
The Entertainment Value -
  • The Entertainment Value was in the games, which featured mainly athletic events.
  • Along with sports, they had music, drama, dance and poetry.
  • However, the cardinal value according to the myths, was to trot out, the appreciation for Zeus and his creation.
This is the end of Part 1. Tomorrow, I'll talk about the Modern Olympics and explain it through the realms of history,politics and of course, entertainment value.
Your turn Readerland. Tell me what you think are the other entertainment values colligated with the Ancient Olympics? You can even talk about the politics or even the negative points of these games.
Thanks for Reading.

Thought Of The Day : - "Say the truth, even if it may be bitter."

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