Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Blogging Matters : Combating With Entertainment Value

Day 4.
First off folks, as you all know that a tragedy hit delhiites this morning when a bomb eplosion took place killing more than 15 people. So, my deepest condolences to the families of those who have died and also who have been seriously hurt by this attack.
Now, Readerland if you remember that I started a crusade yesterday with Entertainment Value. Guess what ? I'm gonna continue it today also, but with another subject. Gladiatorial Sports & Entertainment Value. Yesterday I broke down the terms a) Entertainment b) Value and c) Entertainment Value and explained them to you briefly but, in the context of Formula One.
Even today i'll be doing the brawny task of splitting up the terms for your better understanding.

GLADIATOR - Was a professional armed combatant, captive or a slave developed to Entertain audiences in the Roman Empire by engaging in violent combat with another gladiator, feral animal or a reprobated criminal. Most of them were scorned as slaves and were socially singled out and segregated even when they died.

ENTERTAINMENT VALUE - Peter Doyle, a very eminent Economist said that Value can be defined by both qualitative and quantitaive measures. Value is how much something is worth in money or other goods for which it can be exchanged.

Entertainment Value is part of a show or programme which has no ad hoc objective but to Entertain or captivate the audience's attention.

On the surface the public loved these gladiatorial games.Even those who for whatever reason objected them, valued the valour of a gladiator.Gladiators were loved like modern day cricketers are today.The only difference was that they were always perceived as the lowest of the low. They met, Entertained (privately) even dined with the rich. But they were lowest of the low.

That's all folks for today, i'll be touching upon other sports and the EV linked with it in this series. Any suggestions,queries and even criticisms(god save me) are most welcome.
(Ref: Google Images w/ Wikipedia)

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