Saturday, September 10, 2011

8th september - Golf Forum Part 2 (prabodh)

Now we move to next session "Broadcast concerns". This session was the most informal one i.e. open for all anytime. The moderator was Mr.Gaurav Kalra(Sports Editor , CNN-IBN) “Golf much expensive than cricket to cover. There is a lackof money and vicious circle have set in. There is a lack of ROI in golf coverage to remunerate back to stakeholders. There has been a no. of channels now. But what was lacking is still lacking” acording to Pannelist Mr. Gaurav Bahal.

The next panelist was Miss Shaili Chopra (Sr. Editor , ET Now). She said that Golf is waking up in India , it has not created buzz yet like Formula 1 . It is not popular yet in India . There is lack of fan base. When Rahil Gangie shot a birdie in Calcutta , being in India and Being an Indian , it became a huge news in US rather India.The corporates go in go cricket because there is a bank of the bucks. She said that" NGC doesn't allow people like her to make their live cover for 30 min. free advertising". This indifferent attitude needs to be deleted from the scene. Tee Time is trying to get Fashionable identity to golf.

The next pannelist Mrs Htwe Hla Han talked about her own asian tour. There broadcasting depends on sponsorships.Asian tour was covered live and telecasted in 200 countries with a total of 850 million households.Also a Asian Tour magazine Show is also a broadcasting tool so that the entire world becomes a part of common game.

Some other reasons for not being broadasted as gathered from session are:

1. Golf not a spectator Friendly game.

2.Golf not well nurtured baby like cricket in India. The Delhi Golf Club Course looks like a bloody fort. It is purely silent. People dont let it go on.

Golf Clubs wants everytime media to broadcast the junior groups even whwn they know about their popularity.If you want to develop golf , internal golf administration bodies need to encourage media for broadcasting. Media is not a charity. It will not broadcast just for the sake of common cause or for it is good for sport. It must find logical benefits there.


  1. Can you please enlighten me on the sentence "Golf is not a Spectator-Friendly Game". As I reckon, every sport has certain Entertainment Value colligated with it. If I don't like Cricket its my problem, if I don't like baseball, its my problem, but, you may like them.

  2. ahmed you are definitely correct . But there is generalisation of everything. Like there is a difference b/w i dont like rugby and most people dont like rugby. I have used this statement because at the global level , if we see relatively to other sports especially football , cricket or basketball , you will feel that its spectators do not have a broader base. It is generally famed in "elite class" and in "Porshe Areas" and is more a luxury> This is what I feel.

  3. Your reply is somewhat true, but again what's elite and porshe for us is not for these Golfers. And as far as Rugby is concerned, do you know it is played in more nations than cricket.(Source-Wikipedia).
