Sunday, September 18, 2011

Blogging Matters!!! : Nature's Game II - 5 Most Tragic Deaths Of Sport Players/Teams (1970 - 1990)

Day 15.
Last Sunday, I covered up the 5 most depressing deaths of Sport Players from 1990 - 2011. The basic notion to write this blog came from the recent death of Russian Ice Hockey Team, who died in a tragic plane crash. Hence, I wanted to cover some more incidents which shook the sporting world from all frontiers and may help us realise the inestimable contribution, these players or teams have given to the world.
So, let's begin the list -
  1. Hank Gathers (1990) - Gathers (23) was an American college Baketball player at the Loyola Mount University. He died, when he collapsed during a game at the free-throw line. He averaged 32.7 points with 13.7 rebounds in his very last season at LMU. His coach Paul Westhead describes the death of Gathers in following words, " This is the hardest thing I've experienced - to be so close to a player and to see him fall and for it to be over."
  2. Surinam Soccer Team (1989) - A group of Soccer Players also known as the "Colourful 11" died in Surinam Airways flight crash Of the 187 on board, 176 died in the crash. 14 players and their coach became the victim of this deadly disaster. The fans of Colourful 11 were devastated by the bitter demise of their role models.
  3. Pelle Lindbergh (1985) - Lindbergh (26), was a Swedish-born goaltender who played for the 'Philadelphia Flyers', in the NHL (National Hockey League). He was the first full-time European starting goaltender for a NHL team. His life came to a halt, when he lost control of his sports car and crashed into a wall. He will be known as a very resilient player, who never gave up after a bad goal or a bad game.
  4. Tony Brise (1975) - Brise (23), was from England and was a Racing Driver. He died along with 4 other members of the Embassy Hill Racing Team, when their plane crashed at Arkley golf course. In his splendid career, he took part in 10 Formula One Grand Prixs and was the winner of 2 British Formula Three Championships. Britain's brightest Grand Prix hope died, giving British Motor Racing a severe blow.
  5. Marshall University Football Team (1970) - The chartered plane of the Thundering Herd football team of Marshall University crashed as it was landing at Tri-State Airport in West Verginia. Among those killed, their were 37 football players. 25 team boosters and 8 coaches also died in this tragedy.This tragedy has even been shown in movies like 'We Are Marshall',2006.
Alright fellas, this is the end of my list. These great contributors to the world of sport have died too soon, but their legacy will remain and I believe these heroes have given so much to the world that it is our responsibility now to get to know them and pay the tribute and respect, which they undoubtedly deserve.

Thought Of The Day : - "When the allurement of this life comes to a person, he borrows the good manners of others. However, when it goes away from him, it strips his good manners from him."
(ref; google images. wikipedia)


  1. wat i can impart from d grave of such great sportsperson is.....we have got no say over the demise dat turns up widout givng any notice...n are uncontrollable like plane crash...but accidents occuring in d field and while playing (be it even racing)can be prevented by stringnt safety measures...

  2. thankuuu...ahmad...we get to know number of things from ur posts...nt jus about we r entitled to a varied stuff..(like..fellas, rip, regular thoughts)

  3. @Vrinda - Thanks a lot for taking out your time reading and getting the hang of what I wanted to convey. Agree with you 100% that natural disasters cannot be evaded but, for me a sportsperson dying on field or via accidents, makes no difference as they are such vital contributors to the sporting world.
    And, almost all of the names I mentioned died in their 20's, which really is lamentable.
