Friday, September 16, 2011

Blogging Matters!!! : Youth and Obesity - The Report

Yes, I know my fellow bloggers and readers that, tonight I was going to write the final part of "Its A Cynical World" series, but this report was just a bit more important to go up on tonight's blog. But, I promise that tomorrow's final blog on the series will be nothing short of a pulchritude.
So, a fine day at Doordarshan Bhawan and a great pleasure to be a part of a very quintessential discussion. Yes, I am talking about today's visit for the Youth Express programme on DD National television whose theme was Youth and Obesity. I will try and recap the event for you in an objective manner as I'm sure others will cover the event for you subjectively.Let the report begin -
Obesity - the state of being grossly fat or overweight (Oxford Dictionary).
Youth - the period between childhood and adult age (Oxford Dictionary).
Anchor of the show - Ms. Garima
Special Guests - (1.) Dr. Amresh Mittal (Endocrinologist) and (2.) Dr. Ishi Khosla (Dietician).
  • We kicked things off with the welcome remarks by the anchor who briefly described, the topic for the discussion.
  • The basic question put forth was, In how much quantity do we need to - Eat, Sleep as well as Exercise?
  • Do we really want to look slim, or are we upset with obesity?
Key Statements of Dr. Amresh Mittal : -
  1. We connect lifestyle related issues with older age.
  2. If there is healthy diet then, problems like Blood Pressure, Diabetes, etc won't arise.
  3. We have to see the kind of junk food that we are eating. They do not have much nutritional value.
  4. The BMI (Body Mass Index) of a normal Indian should be between 23kg/m2 to 25kg/m2.
  5. Staying up at night can be dangerous if you do it too often.
  6. Have to be very careful about your sleep.
  7. Sleeping at night for a 7 hours is very important.
  8. Eat light at night.
  9. Earlier the problem of Diabetes used to occur among people who were 40 or 45 years old or older than that.
  10. Today, even a 15 year old or a 12 year old kid is becoming a victim of Diabetes.
Key Statements of Dr. Ishi Khosla : -
  1. Today's youth is more involved in Entertainment via things like laptops, phones,etc
  2. They sit all the time, so a change in lifestyle has come up.
  3. People are careless of serious issues like Sugar, High BP,etc.
  4. As a youth, you should be aware of the ill effects of junk food.
  5. However, today's generation is more body conscious than before.
  6. Youth needs more of calcium, minerals, so, Protein Supplements should be taken in control.
  7. Say, no to fat-burning supplements. Instead do dieting, exercise.
  8. Have things which are rich in fibre. Restrict  - white rice, polished rice, refined food. Have - bajra, jwar, ragi. Have nuts - peanuts, walnut (baked, not fried) instead of junk snacks, to remain energised.
  9. Vegetarian food is not better than Non-Vegetarian food or vice-versa. Have both but, in moderate quantity.
  10. It's good to be slim but not underweight.
Well, that's it folks. That's all I could note down for you during the discussion. I only picked up the statements which I thought could summarize the whole event in front of you in less time, so the Q&A's have been included in the statements itself, if you can catch it. So, my purpose was to give you more by writing a blog (which is not an essay).
Hope you liked reading it and understood the whole event through my points.
Any feedbacks are most welcome. Thank you.

Thought Of The Day : - " It is better for a person to carry a load of firewood on his own back than to beg from someone else."
(ref; google images)

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