Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Blogging Matters!!! : Sports - The Regulation Cacoethes

Day 18.

Hello, my Internet Reading Community and like I told you yesterday that I will bring up the topic of Sports Regulation in BM. Well, here I am and tonight we'll take a look at what's so engrossing about the Regulation side of Sports, that our Authorities have kept Development under 'glass-ceiling'.
  • Regulation : A rule or directive made and maintained by an authority. (Oxford Dictionary).
  • There are many things to discuss on this topic, but let me start things with BCCI (Board Of Control For Cricket In India).
  • The BCCI is a Regulatory and Development Authority. By Regulation it means to regulate the sports. Sport also has Value. Right now in India , the focus is entirely on physical activity.For eg; SAI does not focuses on Management. Except for Cricket, which has an organised body.
  • Regulation means to follow. There is no regulatory compliance in big institutions, you have guidelines. Every Federation has the cardinal province of Regulation & Development (R&D).
  • The BCCI forms an autonomy, they are self-funded. The other authorities are funded by the Government.
Now, another topic to discuss Regulation is seeing it through the NSDB (National Sports Development Bill).
  • We understand that the BCCI is trying to regulate sports . The NSDB calls for transparency via Right to Information (RTI) Act. The foremost design of RTI is 'to be answerable'.
  • The BCCI is an asset, a big one. They say that why should we come under the direct control of GOI. Accountability is there only, when there is transparency. So, the BCCI is not only a sporting body, it's a 'political hub'.
  • People are realising that the biggest merit in favor of NSDB is that it asks for more transparency. There are many actions taken by BCCI which are questionable. For eg;  Sometimes a certain player gets selected for a big tournament, even though he has performed mediocrely in his local or practice matches, needs to be made public.
  • The Regulation side of the NSDB also calls for 25% reservation for sportsmen in a body, who will manage/regulate a specific sport.
There are other +ve's and -ve's of NSDB, which I will address some other day. My purpose was to bring forth the irresistible urge of our authorities to Regulate the sports. Today nobody upholds complete statutory 'regulation' of sports. An average fan today believes that sports have a proper place in the public, hence it is a public issue, whereas an average geezer wants the Government to meddle in sport.
  • Another thing which I reckon has to be made transparent, is that the statute should approve of the rules that a sport has. As the structure that has been laid down by Authorities could be set up around gamecocks fighting. And, even though if all the norms are pursued meticulously, in India at least, no one is going to give heed to the statute.
That's all I could "Regulate" and "Develop" things for you guys today. And, like I said earlier, I'll be taking up the mammoth task of breaking down the NSDB '11, in detail, but later. So, please read, analyse and give your comments/response/ even criticism if you may................... Thanks for Reading.

Thought Of The Day : - "The good that you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;......................Do good anyway."
P.S. - Today (21st Sept.) is World Alzheimer's Day..... an important day across the globe. So, raise awareness for this disease and honor this day.
(ref; google images)

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