Friday, September 30, 2011

Blogging Matters!!! : 'Insight' the 'Olympics' [Part 3]

Day 27.
Alright fellas, the 3rd and final part in this series is here. I've thrown light upon the Ancient and Modern Olympics, in the antecedent parts and tonight I'll try and manifest the Marketing side of the Olympics.
So, without further adieu let's kick things off.

The Business -
  • As far as the professional sports are concerned, they are all about business.
  • The Olympic games are without a shadow of a doubt, the greatest sporting event of modern times.
  • As the Modern Olympics are, to a large extent based on the Ancient Games, it becomes crucial to delve into the Ancient Olympics.
  • The Olympic Business is a mixture of organizations, who wield a settled amount of power and have to co-exist to stage the Olympics.
The Olympic Brand -
  • Today, Olympics have manifested themselves into a 'Brand', and a new term has been coined, i.e. the 'Olympic Brand.'
  • It also has some spheres for development and tweaks that will permit its astounding growth to continue.
The Marketing -
  • The concept of 'economic globalization' has emerged in recent times and this concept has turned into a trend in itself.
  • Olympic Marketing is a global practice involving MNC's and is a part of the trend I just mentioned.
  • The primary sources of revenue of this marketing are :-
  • (a.) Television Rights, (b.) Sponsorship, (c.) Licensing, (d.) Coins, and (e.) Tickets.
  • A point is often raised by the critics, that Commercialism has turned the Olympics into an enterprise only for full-time athletes, professionals in reality, if not in name.
I won't dwell into the last point I made about the criticism right now, but yes, I'll bring it up in one of my blogs later. As I believe, we also need to understand the negatives of any topic that we discuss.
Having said that, I bring to closure, the 3 part series about the Olympics - the games, their history, politics and the business. Hope you enjoyed reading these parts and understood, the whole concept of these games.
Please write down your suggestions, queries, or whatever, below.
Thanks For Reading.

Thought Of The Day :- ''Whoever follows patience, success will follow him.''
(ref; google images)

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