Tuesday, September 20, 2011

BCCI under RTI Act? Ball in Cabinet's court

In its bid to bring the cricket board (BCCI) under the umbrella of National Sports Federation and ensure transparency in functioning of all sports bodies, the sports ministry TODAY will be seeking the cabinet's nod of NATIONAL SPORTS (DEVELOPMENT) BILL 2011 in current session of the parliament.
The Bill which was prepared after receiving comments and suggestion from various stakeholders and public, seeks to have BCCI as an NSF and want it to function as "public authority" and "comply with the requirement specify in the RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT.

lets see guys if the bill gets pass today or not.......


  1. I feel that this bill doesn't state the definite limits as to what can or cannot be shared by an organisation in public sector, when asked to. Maybe this is a huge flaw for me. What about you? I mean how do you think this bill can be more effective and go hand in hand with RTI ?

  2. If this bill is implemented then atleast internal politics will come down to a great extent(especially that of BCCI)...moreover as Mr.Rajpal Singh stated...first we need to regulate all federations and only then DEVELOPMENT in sports can be achieved...
    and once it comes under RTI then obviously transparency will increase along with accountability...

  3. But this task of bringing BCCI under the ambit of RTI is not a cakewalk....there are many stakeholders who will definitely deny and impede the whole process bcoz of their vested interests..lets see what happens...I m not very optimistic...

  4. oh yeah...lets see what happens...its all game of politics..
