Monday, September 12, 2011

Blogging Matters!!! : The World's Worst Kept Secret (Doping)

Day 9.

Hello my fellow Human Beings. How are we today? Well, looking above you must have guessed what's going on in my mind. Yes, indeed I'll be discussing a topic which is a cancer for the sport industry and I'll also be talking of the Checks and Balances to eradicate or at least neutralize this cancer.
If you people can recall, a very engrossing conversation took place on 30th August at CII Seminar on 'Sports - A Healthy Way'. And in that seminar what I found most gripping was the talk over Doping. Hence, emerged tonight's topic. So let's begin the excavation on tonight's topic -
Doping :- noun, the injection of oxygenated blood into an athlete before an event in an attempt to enhance athletic performance. (Oxford Dictionary).
It is the need of the hour to make Indian Sports clean and healthy. The value of sports should rely chiefly on triumph with dignity and also on developing the true sporting culture in the country.
Players like Baichung Bhutia (former captain of Indian Football Team) feel that to get recovered from an injury, you don't get proper medical structure in India. If we want to reach the pinnacle of sport, we need to focus on good medical setup.
I remember that Mike Powell, the World Record Holder in Long Jump said in one of his interviews given to the Indian Media that, every time you have anything to get money or privilege, you will have people who will try to cheat whether in Sports, business or politics. He also believes that in athletics we've been at the forefront in nabbing the athletes.
I think the latest incident of doping was in July when 2 Indian athletes were found involved in doping case. Even before that there have been several cases when Indians have been found mired in a doping scandal.
First we need to look at the reasons why these players resort to this cancer called doping -
1. Athletes believe that their competitors are taking drugs.
2. They are willing to do anything viable to reach success.
3.There is always a direct or an indirect pressure from coaches.
So, what are the checks and balances that we have? The answer to this question was given quite comprehensively by Dr. PSM Chandran, President of the Indian Federation of Sports Medicine in his talk at CII. Points made by him are as follows -
a.) Change the line of approach by giving rehab to Doping offence Violators.
b.) Propagate the serious medical implication of doping.
c.) Propagate that drugs cannot enhance performance rather than publicizing that drugs can embellish performance,but don't take them.
The National Sports Development Bill has presented the following checks to stop doping -
(i) The Government is to provide NADA (National Anti Doping Agency), the financial and other support to do its duties more effectively.
(ii) A report has to be submitted to both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, by IOA (Indian Olympic Association), every 4 years on the course of action taken to check doping.
(iii) Every year, a report has to be given to the Government, by NSF (National Sports Federations).

To conclude, I feel that there is a lot of work to be done. The participation time for India is over, its time to do something.We need to have good coaches for these athletes and also good scientists. Unless a coach knows the fundamentals of medicines, he can't be a good coach.I'll just wrap things up but before that -
Thought Of The Day - "Life is a series of journeys, allow each step to be a teachable moment."
Hasta la vista.
(ref; google images)


  1. Doping is the biggest evil for an athlete.It has to be checked right from the grass root levels.Young athletes should be made aware of the ill consequences of this curse right from their childhood...

  2. Yes, Anurag, I one hundred percent agree with you. Demerits and dangers of taking steroids for enhanced performance in sports, should be taught to the young minds in schools and also at college lvel its essential. Moreover, in school subjects like Physical Education should inculcate chapters on Doping.
