Thursday, September 15, 2011

Blogging Matters!!! : It's A Cynical World (Part deux)

Day 12.

Yes, I am back today, ladies and gents of my Readerland,with part 2 of the Cynical World, which really is pushing me to write tonight's blog much earlier than I usually do. If by chance, any one of you out in the holy blogging land has read my yesterday's blog (check it out, i think its good) would understand that I tried to use satire to express my emotions towards the much bruited about debacle and tussle going on in the Hockey world.
I'll just continue with where I left yesterday. As all of you must now be well-aware of the happenings that shook the hockey players yesterday, like how they refused to take 25,000 rupees as prize money for their win against Pakistan in the Asian Champions Trophy final in China. Today I'll examine the plight of our hockey players and their counterparts, the cricketers. Before I move any further, let me clarify that this blog, is in no way a take on the cricketers or fans of cricket but cricket here is a comparing tool for hockey.
  • As soon as India won the final, the dark clouds started to take them over.First of all, the International Hockey Federation (FIH) rejuvenated their warning of stripping India as the hosts for the Olympic Qualifying Tournament in Feb 2012.
  • The Indian contendership for an upcoming series has been handed out to New Zealand (correct me here, if wrong)
  • India has been invited to Champions Trophy in South Africa but, a compromise between HI and IHf is vital, as it can cost India further.
Now, all the incidents mentioned above point to one direction, i.e. the tussle between the tussle for power between Hockey India and Indian Hockey Federation. I'll talk about this battle in final part of this series tomorrow. But for now, let's have a comparative analysis between our hockey guys and cricketers.
  • Remember the fireworks, the sweets, the celebrations when India won the World Cup this year or the T-20 World Cup in 2007. Many of us went on a spree.
  • Remember the ongoing series between India and England where England are just mollywhopping the living crap out of team India, the gloomy faces of the same people who cheered them a few months back.
  • How many of us remember, that India won the 7th Asian Hockey Cup at the same time in 2007 when cricketers were winning T-20.
  • Forget, 2007 how many of us who call themselves "sports lovers" know, by how many goals India defeated Pakistan the day before.? Anyone?
The comparisons between these 2 sports brings forth a very essential question, that should they be set against one another?
  • I reckon that our Hockey players deserve the same respect that is meted out to our cricketers.
  • The hotel rent for Indian Cricketers for one day is more than 25,000 Rupees, which ironically was the amount given to our Hockey Champs.
  • The Hockey players also deserve the media coverage which unfortunately devote all their time chatting about Cricket.
  • How often have you seen Hockey personnels on a prime time show, having discussion on India's Hockey Victories.
I can go on and on about the existing differences on the business side of these sports but as this is a blog and not a column so I'll pull my horses here and leave the business world of hockey to be discussed tomorrow.

Thought Of The Day : - "The strong man is not the one who wrestles well but the strong man is one who controls himself when he is in a fit of rage."

Hasta la Vista.
(ref; google images)

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