Monday, September 26, 2011

Blogging Matters!!! : Punching the Entertainment Value

Day 23.
Hello and good-evening my co-bloggers. Tonight, I will strive to delineate the sport of Boxing and the Entertainment Value affiliated with it.
Boxing :- the sport of fighting with the fists, especially with padded gloves in a roped square ring according to prescribed rules. (Oxford Dictionary).
The Origin -
  • Boxing is often sought as, the most ancient of all sports, if we are to abide by the definition of boxing as 2 people starkly fighting with their fists, even though fighting in such mode has a historical background, then we have to accept it as most antique sport.
  • In the later half of the 20th century, boxing refashioned from amateur to professional sport, as rules and regulations came into play.
I won't dwell much further into the origins, but will focus on the sport's entertainment value. But, there are some alludes for those who can mark the evolution of this game in the following paragraph.
Entertainment Value -
  1. The common entertainment elements are grounded in the game itself which made it so sought-after sport, especially in Great Britain.
  2. The Aristocracy and Gentry indulged, by arrogating an effective say in the game.
  3. The standardization and regulation of the sport, was the follow-up of the aiding of Aristocrats. This also toned down the game's entertainment element, which is violence.
  4. There is a constant remonstration that there is no Sporting Value in Boxing, but it is the canonized vehemence and violence which forms a part of its Entertainment Value.
  5. Today, Boxing has too much regulation, but people want to witness someone getting hurt. Today, if a boxer bleeds, then on the spot medics interfere and halt the fight.
Boxing, is one of the most lugubrious sports in history. It overwhelms (the drama) the very distinction it portrays, more than any other venture. And, as I have often said before, that active sports having Entertainment Value are the ones which are more sought after. Maybe relaxing the regulations, will once again increase the diminishing entertainment value of this sport.
Thanks For Reading.

Thought Of The Day : - "The knowledge of a hypocrite is in his speech, while the knowledge of a righteous is in his actions."
(ref; google images)

1 comment:

  1. very well ahmad, to read about the antecedents of Boxing was very interesting...
