Monday, September 12, 2011


2nd Indian golf forum 2011
its a very great experiance to be in this forum. I sincearly thanks to Dr. Smita mishra and Mr. Arjun chaudary under who`s guidence we are able to attend this forum and able to learn lot many attractive things about golf . This forum gives us a very huge varity of knowledge about this game . From this golf forum we come to know that in india there is lack of proper and complete knowledge of golf to every person like the knowledge of cricket. In india evey person is going to give the knowledge of cricket much more then any other game . every child use to play cricket from there childhood not any other game. These types of of golf forums spreeds a very great knowledge about the game to the people who want to be completly connected with this game BUT due to less presence of acadmies and proper knowledge they are not able to be in connect with this game.

In the fist session MODERATOR-Mr. HS KINGRA and PENELLISTS- Mr. RAJIV TALWAR , Mr. MADHUKAR CHATURVEDI , Mr. RAKESH PUROHIT ,BRIGADIOR VARINDER KUMAR and JHANJHA TRIPATHY . They all are sitting in front of us . There major focus is on the THE PLAYING FIELD :ACCES TO INFRASTRUCTURE . They firstly discuss about all the playing fields , acadmies of golf in india compare to other countries where is india lacking among the game . They discussed in a very good way and we learn very informative things from this discussion . They discussed that golf is regarded as a lead game but golf is lacking bcoz there is no golf acadmies Mr. Madukar chaturvedi said he is in rambagh golf club in jaipur from 1983-1984. He is going to develop NATIONAL GOLF ACADMY IN JAIPUR FROM LAST 2 YEARS . He also said that golf is lacking bcoz proffesional players are less to coach and to play at high level for golf then brigadior varinder kumar said DELHI is the first country who`s having a public golf course . In year2000 DDA golf course become PUBLIC GOLF COURSE and it`s very affordable . It`s price to play in a golf course (DDA) is less then the charges paid to watch a movie in P.V.R. All equare available at very reasonable prise for every person.

in the second session MODRATOR- Mr. DIGRAJ SINGH , PENELLIST- Mr. ROMIT BOSS VANDANA AGARWAL, HTWE HLA HAN , AMIT LUTHRA discuss WHERE ALL THE COACHES GONE? There major focus is on this. They discuss that coaches are quiting this game bcoz the interest level for this game is not higher as compare to other countries . In india golf is just like an un known game for someone there not even more sponcership for this game and all know sponcerships are very important for every game . companies are not sponcering this game bcoz viewers are very less for this game it not means that game golf is not developing . its developing but not at a high scale bcoz coaches are not there to give appropriate knowledge . due to less development there not much money in game. after all the discussion all penellist come to an conclussion the LESS MONEY is the basic reason of quiting this game by the coaches.

In the third session MODRATOR-Mr. GORAV KALRA , PENELLIST SHALLI CHOPRA, AAKASH OHRI PADAMJIT SANDHU AND GAURAV BAHAL Discussed about broadcast concerns they discuss that the significance of broad casting has been a constant feature in all golf fora . yet there is little golf programming on T.V due to various factors .Tee time is one of them all of them said broadcasting is one of the feature which can help the game to develop and become more popular in the society

In the fourth MODERATOR-V.KRISHNASWAMY , PENELLIST-PADAMJIT SANDHU , ROMIT BOSS , GEN AKS CHANDELE , KARAN BINDRA discussed about GETTING INDIA INTO OLYMPICS they discuss that they doing lots of afforts for developing this game in india they said that they are going take proffessional coaches and make as much acadmies as much as possible and provide complete knowledge to every one all of them are make us sure that in year 2016 the game of golf will be in olympics. they are continiously doing work that how this game will develop and how its entertainment value will be increse . then they come to an conclussion that when this game become affordable and its proper knowledge spreds in the society then its entertainment value will definatly increase and in year2016 the game of golf will a part olympics.

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